
Eurovision Song Contest Georgia 2021


Eurovision Song Contest Georgia 2021
Eurovision Song Contest Georgia 2021

Eurovision Song Contest Georgia 2021

The day after the announcement of the cancellation, Georgia reacted very quickly and announced the decision that Tornike will be allowed to continue performing at Eurovision 2021. For this Tornike has prepared a new song called "You". This song is written by Tornike herself and is described as a mixture of rock, pop-rock and blues-rock. #eurovision #georgia #songcontest #netherlands #singer #song #popular #show #2021 #gpb #you #newsong

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About the new song
About the new song

About the new song

The Women's Chamber Choir of Gori and three background singers Aleko Berdzenishvili, Marian Shengelia and Mariko Lezhava participated in the recording of the singer's new song. The music video for the competition song was shot in various locations throughout Georgia. The video was directed by Temo Kvirkvelia. #eurovision #georgia #songcontest #netherlands #singer #song #popular #show #2021 #gpb #you #newsong #chorus

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The singer began to be discussed actively and not always positively on social networks, to which Torniki reacted aggressively and residents of Georgia demanded to suspend his participation in the contest. On his Facebook page, Torniki uttered nasty threats against those who did not like his performance. #eurovision #georgia #songcontest #netherlands #singer #song #popular #show #2021 #gpb #you #newsong #chorus #scandal #internet

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  • Eurovision Song Contest 2021

    Eurovision Song Contest 2021

    The 65th Eurovision Song Contest is scheduled to take place at the Ahoy Arena in the Dutch city of Rotterdam between May 18 and 22, 2021. After the Netherlands won the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest and the 2020 event in Rotterdam was cancelled due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the Eurovision Song Contest is now scheduled to take place there in 2021. It will be the fifth time that the Netherlands will host the event. #eurovision #song #contest #2021 #esc #ahoy #arena #rotterdam #netherlands

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