
Eurovision Song Contest Croatia 2021


Eurovision Song Contest Croatia 2021
Eurovision Song Contest Croatia 2021

Eurovision Song Contest Croatia 2021

Albina Grčić (born February 6, 1999 in Split), better known by her given name Albina, is a Croatian singer who will represent her country at the Eurovision Song Contest 2021 with her song Tick-Tock in Rotterdam. She lives with her grandmother, who has supported her since childhood. She took piano lessons at a music school for six years and began participating in "Music Talents," a music education project for children, teenagers and adults, when she was eight years old. In the process, she discovered her love of music. On February 13, 2021, she won the Croatian preliminary competition. #albina

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De afbeelding wordt gepresenteerd: Dario Njavro, originele foto, Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 International, (In het kort)
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About the song "Tick-Tock"
About the song "Tick-Tock"

About the song "Tick-Tock"

Tick-Tock is a pop song with which singer Albina Grčić will represent Croatia at the Eurovision Song Contest 2021 in Rotterdam. It was composed by Branimir Mihaljević and the lyrics were written by Max Cinnamon and Tihana Buklijaš Bakić. Tick-Tock is an up-tempo number. The beat starts in the middle of the first verse. The chorus is standalone in the first repetition and is then enclosed with a pre and post chorus. Regarding Dora Festival, the last repetition of the chorus is partly in Croatian. #esc #croatia #2021 #albina #tick #tock #albina #grcic

De Dora 2021 tekst uit de vrije encyclopedie Wikipedia is auteursrechtelijk beschermd onder de gratis licentie Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported (In het kort). Je kunt Lijst van auteurs ook op Wikipedia bekijken.
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The 23rd Dora Festival took place on February 13, 2021 at the Marino Cvetkovic Sports Hall in Opatija and was the Croatian preliminary for the Eurovision Song Contest 2021 in Rotterdam. First, Croatian broadcaster Hrvatska radiotelevizija (HRT) announced in June 2020 that the winner from the 2020 festival Damir Kedžo will not have automatic right to compete in the ESC. From 26.10.20 to 10.12.20, entries could be submitted to HRT. Only Croatian citizens were allowed to submit entries and they had to be at least 16 years old. #eurovision #song #contest #croatia

De Dora 2021 tekst uit de vrije encyclopedie Wikipedia is auteursrechtelijk beschermd onder de gratis licentie Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported (In het kort). Je kunt Lijst van auteurs ook op Wikipedia bekijken.
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  • Eurovision Song Contest 2021

    Eurovision Song Contest 2021

    The 65th Eurovision Song Contest is scheduled to take place at the Ahoy Arena in the Dutch city of Rotterdam between May 18 and 22, 2021. After the Netherlands won the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest and the 2020 event in Rotterdam was cancelled due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the Eurovision Song Contest is now scheduled to take place there in 2021. It will be the fifth time that the Netherlands will host the event. #eurovision #song #contest #2021 #esc #ahoy #arena #rotterdam #netherlands

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