
The step-pyramid at Saqqara, Egypt


The step-pyramid at Saqqara, Egypt
The step-pyramid at Saqqara, Egypt

The step-pyramid at Saqqara, Egypt

Pre-dating the larger Great Pyramid of Giza by a couple of hundred years, the Pyramid of Djoser was the first built in Egypt, and the earliest large scale construction in the world to be built of cut stone. It was designed by the innovative architect Imhotep as a tomb for King Djoser, who lived long enough to see it completed. #egypt #pyramid #construction

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The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco
The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco

The Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco

A working bridge linking the city across San Francisco Bay to Marin County, the Golden Gate Bridge is also a monument to Man’s ingenuity. Regarded as one of the most beautiful bridges in the world, this Art Deco cable suspension bridge needs to be photographed in the morning when surrounded by mist, and again at night when the towers seem to disappear into the darkness. #usa #golden #great #bridge #san #francisco

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The ancient city of Petra, Jordan
The ancient city of Petra, Jordan

The ancient city of Petra, Jordan

This 2,000 year old rock-cut architectural wonder is Jordan’s most visited tourist attraction, and one of UNESCO’s World Heritage Sites. It is a vast uninhabited city, carved into the red rock by the Nabataeans and entered through a narrow gorge between 80 metre high cliffs of dazzling colours and strange rock formations. Once visited, never forgotten! #petra #jordan #ancient #city

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The Colosseum, Rome
The Colosseum, Rome

The Colosseum, Rome

This elliptical amphitheatre just east of the Forum in ancient Rome was capable of seating 50,000 spectators for the gladiatorial battles, executions and animal hunts beloved of the Romans. Partly ruined by earthquakes, this huge 1st century AD stone construction, with 80 arched entrances, can be visited independently or on a guided tour (open all year, online booking possible). #colosseum #rome

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