
The Kremlin, the main Moscow Landmarks


The Kremlin, the main Moscow Landmarks
The Kremlin, the main Moscow Landmarks

The Kremlin, the main Moscow Landmarks

In Russian language the word kremlin is used to describe a castle or an important fortified complex. Therefore, one can easily conclude that every major Russian city had its own kremlin during some time in history, but the one in Moscow is definitely the most famous one. It is still active today which makes it the largest active fortress in Europe. It hosts five palaces and four Cathedrals. #moscow #kremlin #castle #complex #famous #history #palace #cathedral

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The Kremlin, the main Moscow Landmarks
The Kremlin, the main Moscow Landmarks

The Kremlin, the main Moscow Landmarks

Amongst other important functions, it is also an office for the Russian president, who commutes to work in The Kremlin by helicopter. The helipad was constructed inside the Kremlin’s walls in 2013 to stop disturbing the dense traffic in Moscow every time the president has to reach it. #russia # kremlin #moscow

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The Kremlin, the main Moscow Landmarks
The Kremlin, the main Moscow Landmarks

The Kremlin, the main Moscow Landmarks

Moscow was heavily bombarded during the second world war, but The Kremlin was almost intact due to its clever disguise. It was made to look like a housing with false windows and doors painted and the famous ruby stars at the top of Kremlin towers were turned off from shining. There are twenty towers in Kremlin and all of them have their names apart from two which are called “First unnamed” and “Second unnamed”. Five of them have ruby stars on their tops, but originally there were two-headed eagles, which were taken down in 1935, melted and replaced by ruby stars. #moscow # kremlin

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