




Apart from the Vatican, Iran is the only theocracy in the world. Because of this political system travelers are advised to study and follow local customs as much as possible and to respect the rules set up by the local people. But, for those who are willing to do so, it is a marvelous country with a lot to offer. Together with Iraq, it holds the Persian heritage and one of the oldest cultures in the world. During the last six thousand years of recorded history, Iran has had hundreds and thousands of philosophers, inventors, builders, and artists, finally building a country. #travel #iran

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Golestan Palace
Golestan Palace

Golestan Palace

This palace is one of the oldest structures in Teheran. It is situated in the dead center of the city and serves as a reminder of both the city’s and Iran’s continuous history. It was built in the 16th century by Shah Tahmasp I of Persia. Even though it is called a citadel, it was never meant as a defensive building, but more for ceremonial and diplomatic purposes. But, even without the vast historical significance, the structure itself is magnificent. Even though it is made with Islamic rules in mind, it has a classical Persian touch added to every site. #travel #iran #palace #culture

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Ālī Qāpū
Ālī Qāpū

Ālī Qāpū

To call Ali Qapu a palace would not give it justice. It is a marvelous building complex in the city of Isfahan that portrays the might and endurance of both the Safavid dynasty that built it over generations and the Iranian people as a whole. For those interested in both history and culture, this site is a gold mine of both amazing achievements and stunning details. It shows the progressiveness of the Safavid emperors and their openness to good ideas while also safeguarding traditional values.The name itself is a mixture of Persian and Azerbaijani meaning ‘Great Gate’. #travel #iran

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Nasir-ol-Molk Mosque
Nasir-ol-Molk Mosque

Nasir-ol-Molk Mosque

Also known as the ‘Pink Mosque’, this fascinating building is an active place of worship in Shiraz for almost 150 years. The name comes from the extensive use of pink and purple on the inside of the building, especially when the light reflects through the stained glass in the windows. Although it was built in a traditional Islamic style with two minarets as well as mihrabs and domes in all the appropriate places, it also feels uniquely western. #travel #mosque #iran #pink #purple

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Grand Bazaar, Tehran
Grand Bazaar, Tehran

Grand Bazaar, Tehran

Finally, you can’t say that you have visited Teheran or Iran without going to the Grand Bazaar. The bazaar was the world’s first shopping mall, and it serves a similar purpose to this day. It is an enclosed network of passages almost 7 miles long. The bazaar has everything you would expect from a modern shopping mall but also has much more. With exotic spices and handmade products, you can find merchandise in the Grand Bazaar that you would be pressed to order online, let alone find somewhere else. #travel #iran #tehran #bazaar #entertainment

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