




Food is any substance normally eaten or drunk by living organisms. The term food also includes liquid drinks. Food is the main source of energy and of nutrition for animals, and is usually of animal or plant origin. #food # orange #juice #onion #tasty

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Plant and Animal Products
Plant and Animal Products

Plant and Animal Products

Humans are omnivorous animals that can consume both plant and animal products. We changed from gatherers to hunter gatherers. After the experience of the ice age it is probable that humans wanted to create some feeling of security by controlling what plants were growing and which animals were available. This led to agriculture, which has continually improved and altered the way in which food is obtained. #agriculture #food #plants #animals

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Social occasion
Social occasion

Social occasion

A selection of different complementary foods eaten together comprises a meal. People often choose to eat meals together with other family members or friends and this is seen as an important social occasion. Food eaten in smaller quantities between meals is regarded as snack food. #family #dinner #cultur #social #meal #cheers #laughing

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Number of meals, their size, ...
Number of meals, their size, ...

Number of meals, their size, ...

The number of meals in a day, their size, composition, when and how they are prepared and eaten vary greatly around the world. This is greatly dependent on the local climate, ecology, economy, cultural traditions and industrialisation. #food #together #spicy #social #friends #hot #bowl

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Salmon & Wine
Salmon & Wine
Rosmarin - Oil
Rosmarin - Oil

Rosmarin - Oil

#rosmarin #oil #cooking #taste

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Популярні історії

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Створити пост

  • Історія

    Розкажіть свою історію, використовуючи до 7 фотографій або відео, або продовжуйте вже опубліковану історію і зробіть із неї щось більше.

    Створити історію
  • Тема

    Створіть тему, яка може поєднувати кілька історій від різних користувачів. Наприклад, «Де і як ви дивитеся цьогорічний чемпіонат Європи з футболу?»

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