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Eurovision Song Contest France 2021

Barbara Pravi is a French singer-songwriter from French parents and paternal grandparents of Serbian and Iranian origin. She will represent France at the ESC 2021 in Rotterdam. In 2019, she co-wrote the song Bim bam toi with Igit, with which Carla competed for France at the 2019 Junior ESC in Poland, finishing in fifth place. She also co-wrote the French entry the following year, J'imagine, with Igit; the song, performed by Valentina Tronel, won the singing competition. #eurovision #song #contest #barbara #pravi #2021 #france

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    Створіть тему, яка може поєднувати кілька історій від різних користувачів. Наприклад, «Де і як ви дивитеся цьогорічний чемпіонат Європи з футболу?»

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