
Top 5 places to visit in Ecuador


 Top 5 places to visit in Ecuador
 Top 5 places to visit in Ecuador

Top 5 places to visit in Ecuador

Ecuador is one of the most intriguing nations in South America. It makes up for its small size with an assortment of native tribes, colonial architecture, beautiful scenery, and thick rainforests. It has Colombia and the Pacific Ocean as its borders — it is not larger than most states in the US. This magnificent nation attracts hikers, trekkers, explorers, and nature lovers to its green, ecologically significant forests, wildlife watchers to its iconic Galápagos Islands, and sun-seekers to its sandy tropical beaches. Here are some tips: #ecuador #southamerica #tips #ocean #beach

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The Galápagos Islands
The Galápagos Islands

The Galápagos Islands

The Galápagos Islands continue to be among the world’s most active volcanic areas, and island formation is still underway. Many of the 13 major islands, six other smaller islands, and 42 islets that comprise the Galápagos were proclaimed a part of the Galápagos National Park in the 1950s. Exploring this delicate habitat can only be done as part of a guided tour of selected tourist sites. However, there are one or two places where tourists can go without a guide, including several areas popular with scuba divers. #galapagosisland #ecuador #scubadiving #seal #nationalpark

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Cajas and Cotopaxi National Parks
Cajas and Cotopaxi National Parks

Cajas and Cotopaxi National Parks

Cotopaxi and Cajas are the most famous national parks in Ecuador. They are within convenient commuting distance from the cities of Cuenca and Quito. Among the two, Cotopaxi National Park or Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, only 50 kilometers south of Quito, is probably the better-recognized. Thanks to the large (currently active) Cotopaxi volcano that dominates the region and the smaller volcanoes of Rumiñawi and Sincholagua. #cajasnationalpark #cotopaxinationalpark #ecuador #southamerica #nature

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The Boardwalk of Guayaquil
The Boardwalk of Guayaquil

The Boardwalk of Guayaquil

In Ecuador, in terms of population (2.3 million), the biggest city, Guayaquil ‘s Pacific port, is regarded as the entrance leading to the Galápagos Islands. Apart from its various historic sites, Guayaquil exhibits excellent entertainment and shopping opportunities in its many scenic squares and plazas and its beautiful coastline. For those who enjoy exploring on foot, the main attraction is the majestic Malecón 2000, a two and a half kilometer long boardwalk adjoining to the Guayas River. #boardwalk #Guayaquil #ecuador #citylife #river

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The lovely city of Cuenca ‘formally called Santa Ana de Los cuatro ríos de Cuenca and host of about 330,000 people, is situated in southern Ecuador and is a beautiful place to visit on foot. It is designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The region bulges with magnificent European styles and 400-year-old architectural gems that include both Spanish and Indian elements. As you stroll through the smooth narrow roads of Cuenca, be sure to spend a little time exploring the several parks and squares in the heart of the old town. #cuenca #church #ecuador #spanish #indian

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Quito: Ancient Andean City in Ecuador
Quito: Ancient Andean City in Ecuador

Quito: Ancient Andean City in Ecuador

Up in the Andes, Ecuador ‘s capital Quito is full of colonial art and is South America’s most significant historical hub. Preserved as a UNESCO World Heritage Site with its numerous ancient temples, charming public squares, and world-class museums, this 1.6 million-strong city has long been a favorite of artisans. It is a perfect place to shop with local art and crafts, from ceramics and wood carvings to vibrant clothes. #quito #ecuador #ancient #city #hiking

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Quito: Ancient Andean City in Ecuador
Quito: Ancient Andean City in Ecuador

Quito: Ancient Andean City in Ecuador

One of the best activities to do here is to visit Plaza Grande, a stunning square surrounded by significant points of interest, like the Cathedral, Presidential House, Archbishop’s House, and Municipal Hall, as well as Calle La Ronda, a bustling street lined with bars, shops, art galleries, and other attractions. Ecuador remains a popular tourist destination for many destinations around the world. If you don’t have the country on your list of places you want to visit, you will be missing out on a lot of ancient and historical landmarks. #quito #ecuador #plazagrande #galleries #attractions

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