
Laos, Asia


Laos, Asia
Laos, Asia

Laos, Asia

The capital of Laos is Vientiane, which has a population of around 300,000. The Laos economy has been based on its exports of rice, tobacco and coffee, but in recent years the country has been discovered as a tourist destination. Here you will experience a scene of centuries-old monasteries and monks in saffron-coloured robes. The people of Laos are open, friendly and courteous, and visitors receive a warm welcome. The country enjoys a tropical climate and thus most of the year is hot and humid. #travel #laos #vientiane

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What to see in Vientiane ?
What to see in Vientiane ?

What to see in Vientiane ?

What to see in Vientiane: the most prominent sight in the capital is the Patuxai (the arch), a monument with four “gates” reminiscent of European triumphal arches such as the Arc de Triomphe in Paris, the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, or Marble Arch in London. However this version in Laos was only built in the 1960s using American money. You can go inside and from the top you get excellent views of the city. #travel #laos #patuxai

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