Недавно созданные истории

seven.pics presents - Autos leichter machen: leichte Felgen

Autos leichter machen: leichte Felgen

Los geht es mit dem Thema Felgen, welches zugleich auch eines der wichtigsten Themen ist, da wir alle wissen: ungefederte Massen oder gar rotierende Massen sind böse! Warum? Eine detaillierte Erklärung gibt es hier nachzulesen: https://philipsautoblog.com #Felgen #Auto #Tuning #Leicht #Metall #Alu #Stahl #Magnesium #Carbon 
seven.pics presents - Zurich


Zurich is one of the most influential cities in the world as it is a vital financial center in Switzerland. It has existed for more than seven centuries and is voted systematically as the city with the best quality of life on Earth. Thanks to its important status in the country and the world, Zurich has become a privileged place for vacationers. A passport is required if you plan to travel there, but thanks to the new accelerated online passports, you can obtain your passport and your trip at any time. #zurich #switzerland #financial #center #trip 
seven.pics presents - CUPRA gibt´s jetzt ohne Seat

CUPRA gibt´s jetzt ohne Seat

Wie jeder weiß, vereinigt der VW-Konzern schon seit Langem einen ganzen Haufen von Marken unter seinem Dach. Vor einigen Jahren gab es noch keine großen Unterschiede zwischen diesen. Materialauswahl und Technik waren mehr oder weniger gleich und ob man sich nun einen VW, Audi, Seat oder Skoda kaufte war letzten endes doch egal. Inzwischen jedoch wurde hier ordentlich differenziert. #seat #cupra #vw #audi #skoda #car #vehicle #volkswagen 
seven.pics presents - Мадагаскар- 5 захватывающих вещей, чтобы исследовать в стране острова

Мадагаскар- 5 захватывающих вещей, чтобы исследовать в стране острова

Республика Мадагаскар - это островная страна, расположенная в Индийском океане, примерно в 400 километрах от побережья Восточной Африки. Страна является второй по величине страной острова в мире, охватывая площадь около 592 800 квадратных километров. Мадагаскар имеет много естественных чудес, что посетители могут исследовать и делать. Островная страна является одним из лучших мест для туристического опыта мирового класса из-за различных условий земли. Вот места, которые вы должны посетить на Мадагаскаре... #madagascar #travel  
seven.pics presents - Singapore


Singapore is one of a kind country. Apart from being a country, it is also an island and a city. The whole of Singapore is one big Island with over mostly uninhabited 62 islets. Singapore is a perfect blend between the natural trail and modernity, ancient and contemporary, the west and east, water and land, and other contrasts. The island city-state has a lot of diversity of attractions, which makes Singapore one of the top tourist destinations for all kinds and ages of people. Here are some captivating places to include in your travel itinerary to enjoy the wonder of Singapore. #travel  
seven.pics presents - Singapore


The Republic of Singapore is a city-state in Southeast Asia, situated on the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, south of the Malaysian state of Johor and north of the Indonesian Riau Islands. The name Singapore was derived from the Malay word singa (lion). Singapore was originally a small Malay settlement until 1819, when the British started a trading post that developed into an important commercial and military imperial base. #singapore #asia #malaysian #lion #settlement  
seven.pics presents - Reykjavik


Make sure you do not miss cultural and historical attractions Iceland’s capital has to offer, when you visit Reykjavik. There is much more to this beautiful town then stunning nature. Here are some suggestions about the locations you should put into your visit itinerary. #travel #iceland #capital #nature #entertainment  
seven.pics presents - Madagascar- 5 exciting things to explore in the Island country

Madagascar- 5 exciting things to explore in the Island country

The Republic of Madagascar is an island country located in the Indian Ocean at about 400 kilometers away from the coast of East Africa. The country is the second-largest island country in the world, covering an area of approximately 592,800 square kilometers. Madagascar has a lot of natural wonders that visitors can explore and do. The Island country is one of the best places to have a world-class tourist experience due to the different conditions of the land. Here are the places you should visit in Madagascar to have a swell time on your visits for vacations or any other holidays. #madagascar 
seven.pics presents - Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo

Monte Carlo is a small city located in Monaco and it is most developed among the cities around Monaco. The City is only two square kilometers in size, and it has more glory hence attracting all those that like comfort and luxurious life. The state is so small and also oozes beautiful glamour in the year all round. The place has more historical and cultural attractions you can visit and view for free while you cut on your budget and make beautiful memories. The chapter has got some of the best attractions you should never miss visiting in Monte Carlo. #travel #monaco #europe #city #country  
seven.pics presents - Yalta – From Ancient Greece To Modern  (2/2)

Yalta – From Ancient Greece To Modern (2/2)

During most of the 20th century, Yalta was the principal holiday resort of the Soviet Union. In 1920 started the transformation of the city and the entire region from a fairly exclusive resort area into a recreation facility for tired proletarians, all of that by the decree “On the Use of Crimea for the Medical Treatment of the Working People”, which was issued by Vladimir Lenin. Numerous workers’ sanatoria were constructed in Yalta and around the surrounding district. #yalta #soviet #union #resort #crimea #sanatoria #district 
seven.pics presents - A Diverse Country

A Diverse Country

When people think of Canada, they most likely think of the sprawling natural territories rich with wildlife and picturesque landscapes that this vast country is well known for. But there are also historic cities, exciting urban nightlife, and seaside getaways. #travel #canada #diverse #history #america  
1 предыдущие истории
seven.pics presents - Yalta – From Ancient Greece To Modern  (1/2)

Yalta – From Ancient Greece To Modern (1/2)

Yalta is a town on the south coast of the Crimean Peninsula surrounded by the Black Sea. It came to worldwide attention in 1945 when the Yalta Conference between the “Big Three” powers – the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom – was held at the “Livadia Palace”, but long time before and after that historical meeting, Yalta was a resort city. It serves as the administrative center of Yalta Municipality, one of the regions within Crimea. It has a warm humid subtropical climate and is surrounded by numerous vineyards and orchards. #yalta #crimea #black #sea #conference