
How to create an account on

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How to create an account on

This can be done within a few seconds - just try it!

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  • How to continue a topic or story?

    How to continue a topic or story?

    Hello and welcome to, a platform where members share stories and emotions! By participating in topics and continuing stories, you become a part of that story or topic. In this way, we can collectively create a chain of stories and share our emotions within the various topics. #sevenpics #Howto #FAQ #Help #Continue #Stories #Topics

    Du-te la istorie
  • How to create a story on

    How to create a story on

    A story on is comparable to a single post on any other social network like Facebook or Instagram. On, we call them instead of posts, stories. :) A story on can OPTIONALLY contain up to 7 images or videos with their own title and description. This how-to story e.g. consists of only 1 video. The video shows you how to create your first story on #sevenpics #howto #faq #help #HowToCreateAStory #newstory #createastory

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  • How to create a theme on

    How to create a theme on

    That's easy - watch the video :) #sevenpics #howto #faq #help #HowToCreateATheme #newtheme #createatheme

    Du-te la istorie
  • Ai idei, cum să completezi această istorie?

    Continuă istoria

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  • Istorie

    Descrieți istoria cu până la 7 fotografii sau videoclipuri, sau continuați o istorie pe care ați postat-o deja și faceți mai multe din ea.

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  • Temă

    Creați o temă care poate combina mai multe istorii de la diferiți utilizatori. De exemplu, „Unde și cum urmăriți Campionatul European de Fotbal din acest an?”

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