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    Что такое осень?

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  • 4 Istorii | 1083 Vizualizări - that's easy

    This topic contains a series of "how-to" stories that show you how to use our platform. You can find them right below. However, especially on your first visit to, we recommend that you learn a few interesting facts about, which we will share with you as we go along. The most important message is: "At it's not so much about each individual but rather about the connectedness of the community". A story among friends only arouses eagerness when everyone can tell something about it and share their own emotions. On it is no different. A single story, probably won't get much response - by the way, this is true for other social media platforms as well. In contrast, stories or topics that are written and continued by users together will not only exist and grow for a long time, but will also stir emotions in everyone who is a part of that story or topic. Imagine being able to relive your favorite band's concert from a variety of angles and recreate the emotions of every single person who attended the concert. offers you this possibility. As you may have noticed, automatically selects stories and topics and marks some of them as popular. This attracts the attention of other users. Interesting topics can rise to the "topic of the day" and thus take one of the most important presentation places within You got it right - so your job is to make sure, that your stories and topics become popular. Then other users will find them interesting and they want to be part of your story. How? We have no secrets from you - the algorithm is quite simple. The following parameters are taken into account in the evaluation: - Number of views of your story or topic - Number of comments in your story or topic - Number of likes - Number of people who shared your story or topic on other social networks - Number of continuations of your story or topic For how to create a story/topic or continue another existing story/topic, see the "how-to" stories below. Lastly, a story should not consist of just one image, that's boring. In your stories and topics, write descriptions of the experience and feel free to use hashtags. This increases the potential that your content will be consumed longer. If other users are attracted to your content and want to share their own emotions about it, they will follow up your stories and topics with stories of their own. This, in turn, increases your exposure. Ok, now you are ready for YOUR story on :) We wish you a great time! We're excited to have you! #sevenpics #howto #faq #help #help