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seven.pics presents - Eurovision Song Contest Russia 2021

Eurovision Song Contest Russia 2021

Manischa Dalerovna Sangin, known as Manischa, born Khamraeva, is a Russian singer, composer, and activist of Tajik descent. She will represent Russia at the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest in Rotterdam. She participated in various singing competitions in her youth. Later she moved to Saint Petersburg for some time, where she first worked as a singer for bands. After this time, her solo career took her to London and New York, among other places. #eurovision #song #contest #2021 #russia #manischa #Manizha #dalerovna #sangin  
2 povestiri anterioare
seven.pics presents - The Red Square

The Red Square

When you travel to visit Moscow landmarks, there are some places you have to put in your tourist itinerary, if you want to experience the essence of what Moscow has to offer. This multi-million Russian Metropole has so many important historic and cultural landmarks that it is impossible to see them all in one visit, especially if it is a short one, so here are the top ones, you shouldn’t miss. #russia #moscow #metropole #history #culture 
seven.pics presents - Scarlet Sails (Алые паруса) in Russia

Scarlet Sails (Алые паруса) in Russia

The Scarlet Sails (Russian: Алые паруса) is a celebration in St. Petersburg, Russia, the most massive and famous public event during the White Nights Festival every summer. The tradition is highly popular for its spectacular fireworks, numerous music concerts and a massive water show. #alyeparusa #russia #stpetersburg #entertainment #school #graduation #tradition 
seven.pics presents - Eurovision Song Contest Russland 2021

Eurovision Song Contest Russland 2021

Manischa Dalerowna Sangin, bekannt als Manischa, geborene Chamrajewa, ist eine russische Sängerin, Komponistin, und Aktivistin tadschikischer Abstammung. Sie wird Russland beim Eurovision Song Contest 2021 in Rotterdam vertreten. Sie wirkte in ihrer Jugend bei verschiedenen Gesangswettbewerben mit. Später zog sie für einige Zeit nach Sankt Petersburg, wo sie zunächst als Sängerin für Bands tätig war. Ihre Solo-Karriere führte sie nach dieser Zeit unter anderem auch nach London und New York. #eurovision #song #contest #2021 #russia #manischa #Manizha 
3 povestiri anterioare
seven.pics presents - Евровидение Россия 2021

Евровидение Россия 2021

Мани́жа, полное имя Мани́жа Дале́ровна Санги́н (урожд. Хамра́ева; род. 8 июля 1991 года, Душанбе, Таджикская ССР, СССР) — российская певица таджикского происхождения, независимый музыкант, автор и исполнительница песен, режиссёр музыкальных видеоклипов, общественная деятельница в области борьбы с домашним насилием, участница международного конкурса песни «Евровидение 2021», амбассадор благотворительного фонда «Подари жизнь» (с декабря 2019 года), первый российский посол доброй воли Агентства ООН по делам беженцев (с декабря 2020 года #Евровидение #eurovision #2021 #russia #Manizha 
2 povestiri anterioare
seven.pics presents - The Kremlin, the main Moscow Landmarks

The Kremlin, the main Moscow Landmarks

In Russian language the word kremlin is used to describe a castle or an important fortified complex. Therefore, one can easily conclude that every major Russian city had its own kremlin during some time in history, but the one in Moscow is definitely the most famous one. It is still active today which makes it the largest active fortress in Europe. It hosts five palaces and four Cathedrals. #moscow #kremlin #castle #complex #famous #history #palace #cathedral 
seven.pics presents - Yalta – From Ancient Greece To Modern  (2/2)

Yalta – From Ancient Greece To Modern (2/2)

During most of the 20th century, Yalta was the principal holiday resort of the Soviet Union. In 1920 started the transformation of the city and the entire region from a fairly exclusive resort area into a recreation facility for tired proletarians, all of that by the decree “On the Use of Crimea for the Medical Treatment of the Working People”, which was issued by Vladimir Lenin. Numerous workers’ sanatoria were constructed in Yalta and around the surrounding district. #yalta #soviet #union #resort #crimea #sanatoria #district 
seven.pics presents - Yalta – From Ancient Greece To Modern  (1/2)

Yalta – From Ancient Greece To Modern (1/2)

Yalta is a town on the south coast of the Crimean Peninsula surrounded by the Black Sea. It came to worldwide attention in 1945 when the Yalta Conference between the “Big Three” powers – the Soviet Union, the United States and the United Kingdom – was held at the “Livadia Palace”, but long time before and after that historical meeting, Yalta was a resort city. It serves as the administrative center of Yalta Municipality, one of the regions within Crimea. It has a warm humid subtropical climate and is surrounded by numerous vineyards and orchards. #yalta #crimea #black #sea #conference  
seven.pics presents - Russo-Ukrainian War

Russo-Ukrainian War

Please stop war in Ukraine! 
seven.pics presents - Wer hat Frankreich 2018 vertreten?

Wer hat Frankreich 2018 vertreten?

Am 23. Mai in Österreich bei der Eurovision 2015 wird Frankreich von Lisa Angell mit dem Song "N'oubliez pas" vertreten. Das tragische Lied über den Krieg wird im Finale des 60. Jubiläums des Wettbewerbs vor dem Hintergrund des Krieges in Europa - dem Krieg gegen den Terrorismus und dem Krieg im Osten der Ukraine - aufgeführt. #eurovision #songcontest #france #austria #2015 #song #tragic #final #war 
2 povestiri anterioare
seven.pics presents - Место проведения

Место проведения

61-й конкурс проходил в Стокгольме, столице Швеции. В июле 2015 года «Эрикссон-Глоб» была выбрана местной телерадиокомпанией площадкой для проведения «Евровидения». «Эрикссон-Глоб» — это 85-метровая арена разного использования, находящаяся в микрорайоне Глобен-Сити, созданном специально для неё. #eurovision #singer #music #sweden  
2 povestiri anterioare
seven.pics presents - Church of the Savior on Blood

Church of the Savior on Blood

Construction of the church began in 1883 during the reign of Alexander III, two years after the assassination of his father Alexander II. The church was dedicated to being a memorial to his father. A temporary shrine was erected on the site of the attack while plans and fundraising for a more permanent memorial were undertaken. #church #of #the #savior #on #blood #st.petersburg  
1 povestiri anterioare
seven.pics presents - Фонтани


Оригінальний сенс фонтану (з латинської "Фонтана") був природним джерелом або басейном, з якого текла вода; Наприклад, джерело річки називався "фонтан" або "фонтан". Використання слова "фонтан" для техногенної структури, що кидає воду в повітря в контрольованому шляху, спочатку записана англійською мовою близько 1500 оголошень, після того, як слово було використано для версії природи протягом майже 100 років. #fountains #history #fontana 
seven.pics presents - Кто представлял Францию в 2015 ?

Кто представлял Францию в 2015 ?

23 мая в Австрии на «Евровидении-2015» Францию представляла Лиза Анжель с песней «N'oubliez pas». Песня о войне прозвучала в 60-м финале конкурса на фоне войны в Европе – войны против терроризма и войны на востоке Украины. #eurovision #songcontest #france #austria #2015 #song #tragic #final #war 
2 povestiri anterioare
seven.pics presents - Singer House

Singer House

Singer House, also widely known as the House of the Book is located at the intersection of Nevsky Prospekt and the Griboyedov Canal, directly opposite the Kazan Cathedral. It is recognized as a historical landmark, has official status as an object of Russian cultural heritage and serves as the headquarters of the VKontakte. #singer #house #st.petersburg #house #of #book 
1 povestiri anterioare
seven.pics presents - Церква Спаса на крові

Церква Спаса на крові

Будівництво церкви розпочалось у 1883 р. Під час правління Олександра III, через два роки після вбивства його батька Олександра II. Церква була присвячена тому, щоб бути пам'ятником його батькові. На місці нападу було встановлено тимчасову святиню, в той час як проводились плани та збір коштів для створення постійнішого меморіалу. #church #of #the #savior #on #blood #st.petersburg  
seven.pics presents - The Peter and Paul Fortress

The Peter and Paul Fortress

The Peter and Paul Fortress is the original citadel of St. Petersburg, Russia, founded by Peter the Great in 1703 and built to Domenico Trezzini’s designs from 1706 to 1740 as a star fortress Today it has been adapted as the central and most important part of the State Museum of Saint Petersburg History. The museum has gradually become virtually the sole owner of the fortress building, except the structure occupied by the Saint Petersburg Mint. #peter #great #domenico #trezzini's #museum #saint #petersburg  
1 povestiri anterioare
seven.pics presents - Fountains


The original meaning of fountain (from the Latin ‘fontana’) was a natural spring or pool from which water flowed; for example the source of a river was called a ‘fountain’ or ‘fountainhead’. The use of the word ‘fountain’ for a man-made structure throwing water into the air in a controlled way was first recorded in English around 1500 AD, after the word had been in use for nature’s version for nearly 100 years. #fountains #history #fontana 
seven.pics presents - Schoolies week

Schoolies week

Schoolies or schoolies week (also known as leavers' or leavers' week in Queensland Surfers Paradise and Western Australia and coasties in the Australian Capital Territory) refers to the Australian tradition of high-school graduates (also known as "schoolies" or "leavers") having week-long holidays following the end of their final exams in late November and early December. #traditions #school #australia #schoolies #queensland #surfers #paradise #gold #coast 
seven.pics presents - The Tretyakov Gallery

The Tretyakov Gallery

The Tretyakov gallery is the principal repository of fine Russian art. It was founded by two brothers, art collectors, Pavel and Sergey Tretyakov, but shortly after the first purchases from the Russian authors, Sergey turned his interest to western art, collecting paintings from French romantics and realists and left his part of the collection to his brother. The paintings were brought to the mansion on Lavrushinsky Lane which in 1892 Pavel gifted to the city along with the house. #tretyakov #gallery #art #brothers