
Twelve Apostles National Park

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Twelve Apostles National Park
Twelve Apostles National Park

Twelve Apostles National Park

Twelve Apostles National park is located in the Southern part of Australia. The park rises out of the Southern ocean just alongside the Great Ocean road. Pillars that were once connected to the mainland cliffs have been transformed by the wind. All that remains now are the majestic tall limestone columns. Some areas are high as 45 meters. #twelve #apostles #nationalpark #australia #pillars

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How to get there from Melbourne
How to get there from Melbourne

How to get there from Melbourne

Twelve Apostles National park is approximately 4.5 hours away from Melbourne. From Melbourne, use the Geelong road along the Great ocean road to access the park. The ride surely looks exhausting. Worry not though. The Great ocean road will provide breath-taking views. You will notice that you are already at the destination. If you are a visitor to Australia, you can use day tour services. The tour guides will help you arrive at the park easily. The tour companies also offer accommodation services for long and short stays. #melbourne #australia #twelve #apostles #nationalpark

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Fun Activities to Engage In
Fun Activities to Engage In

Fun Activities to Engage In

Twelve Apostles National Park is home to a variety of flora and fauna. The place is excellent for nature’s enthusiast. Some of the activities to engage in include: Admire the natural attractions: The Twelve Apostles National Park is so named after the pillars formed from the limestone cliffs. The pillars can be seen from the viewing platform. The viewing platform gives the best angles for the best experience. Dusk or dawn times are the best. At such times, penguins may appear to crown the experience. #twelve #apostles #australia #flora #nature #penguins

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Take a guided walk
Take a guided walk

Take a guided walk

Instead of terminating the journey at Twelve Apostles National Park, do it at Princetown. This should be around 7 kilometers apart. From Princetown, you can walk along the boardwalk, steps, rubber tiles and crushed gravel to the park. The walk will offer stunning views of the coastal shores. Kangaroos and unique bird species will appear occasionally during the walk. Savor such moments by making the walk as slow as possible. #walk #princetown #twelve #apostles #australia #park

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Explore the flora and the fauna
Explore the flora and the fauna

Explore the flora and the fauna

What is a park without the animals and plants? The Twelve Apostles’ unique habitat has encouraged biodiversity. Seabirds, sea spiders, lobsters, and kelp forests are just a tip of the biodiversity available. Sometimes whales visit the area. #flora #fauna #animals #nationalpark #twelve #apostles

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Wave watching
Wave watching

Wave watching

The beauty of the Twelve Apostles National Park resulted from the waves hitting the coastline. The waves shaped the coastline into what it is today. Recreate this experience by watching the waves at high tides. The splashing of water and the knocking of the coastal line by the waves is therapeutic. #wave #watching #twelve #apostles #australia

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Is it worthy to visit Twelve Apostles National Park?
Is it worthy to visit Twelve Apostles National Park?

Is it worthy to visit Twelve Apostles National Park?

Certainly, the answer is yes. If you are a lover of nature, this place should be among your priorities. The Twelve Apostles National park boasts of a wide variety of biodiversity. The visitor is guaranteed a one of a kind experience when learning about these plants and animals. Twelve Apostles National Park is not only rich in animals. In the olden days, the site was a critical shipping route. For historians, a visit to the park will shed light on these past activities. Your historical knowledge will be enriched. #visit #travel #twelve #apostles #nationalpark #history

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