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If you are in Budapest or are planning a trip to this breathtakingly beautiful city, it’s essential to have your list of historical landmarks you must visit in Budapest ready with you. Often seen as an architecture lover’s paradise, in actuality, the beautiful city of Budapest has something for everyone. So, here is a list of the top historical landmarks and attractions you must see in Budapest. #travel #budapest #hungary #city #attractions

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Hungarian Parliament Building
Hungarian Parliament Building

Hungarian Parliament Building

The Hungarian Parliament Building or the Parliament of Budapest is the largest building in Hungary. Situated by the Kossuth Square and river Danube, it features a symmetrical facade and a central dome. The structure depicts lessons from Renaissance Revival Architecture and features two identical parliament halls on its both sides. This neo-gothic building, surrounded by beautiful cobbled streets on all sides, features 691 rooms and finds its stairs and corridors spread over 19 kilometers. #travel #budapest #parliament #building #architecture

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Castle Hill
Castle Hill

Castle Hill

From one beautiful building to the other: the Castle Hill, which towers over the Danube, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is also home to the famous Buda Castle, a splendidly beautiful 200-room palace built to protect the city from Mongols. Castle Hill registered massive damages during the Second World War. However, it was restored during the subsequent years. The restoration process saw the inclusion of the Hungarian National Gallery in the main wing and the Budapest History Museum on the south side. #travel #budapest #castle #unesco #hungary

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Danube Promenade
Danube Promenade

Danube Promenade

If you are in Budapest, make sure to find some time to enjoy a relaxing stroll on the Danube Promenade. The promenade extends between the Széchenyi Chain and Elisabeth bridges and is the ideal vantage point to discover and enjoy the beauty of the Danube. The Danube Promenade features on this list not only because of the refreshing views it offers visitors but also for its historical significance. #travel. #promenade #hungary #budapest #danube

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Gellert Hill
Gellert Hill

Gellert Hill

If you are someone who likes to fit in a bit of physical activity on your trips, a trek to the Gellert Hill is something you should mandatorily do. Gellert Hill, a 235-meter dolomite block, is named after Saint Gerard, the first Bishop of Csanad, who was thrown to death from this hill. Other than offering stunning views of the city, the Gerard Hill is also home to the Gellert Spa and Rudas Baths, famous medicinal springs that see an influx of visitors round the year. #travel #budapest #activity #gellerthill #park

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Szechenyi Thermal Bath
Szechenyi Thermal Bath

Szechenyi Thermal Bath

Budapest is a city known for its thermal springs. Locals, as well as tourists, come to these thermal baths to enjoy a relaxing day and rejuvenate themselves. The Szechenyi Thermal Bath is the most famous of these thermal baths. This thermal bath has three outdoor and fifteen indoor pools alongside many steam and spa rooms. Two different thermal springs supply to this thermal bath, and thus, it is capable of handling thousands of people at any given time. #travel #relax #bath #thermal #hungary

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St. Stephen’s Basilica
St. Stephen’s Basilica

St. Stephen’s Basilica

The St. Stephen’s Basilica is not only known for its gorgeous architecture but also the splendid views of the city it offers from its dome. The Basilica is dedicated to St. Stephen, the founder of the Hungarian state. Its construction was finished in 1905 after many impediments. The Basilica registered significant damage during the Second World War. However, most of the structure has been successfully restored. Visitors can either climb 364 steps or take one of the two elevators to reach the dome to enjoy the scenic beauty of the city. #travel #budapest #hungary #cathedral

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