
Bulgaria. Plovdiv

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Bulgaria. Plovdiv
Bulgaria. Plovdiv

Bulgaria. Plovdiv

Plovdiv is a city located in Bulgaria and ranks as the country’s second largest city. It is usually nicknamed as he city of the seven hills’. It however, has had a variety of names throughout history. Some of them include; Philippopolis, Puldin, Ploudin, Kendrissos and Flavia Juila. Its most notable name is Philippopolis, as this was the name Philip II of Macedon gave it after conquering the Thracians. If you love checking out historical attractions, then Plovdiv is the place to go. With over 6000 years of ancient history, Plovdiv is rated as the 6th oldest city in the world. #bulgaria

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The climate in Plovdiv can be described as warm and temperate. Plovdiv experiences its driest month in February. This however changes in May and June which are the two months that experience the most rainfall. The warmest month is July with a temperature averaging 23 degrees Celsius. It is important to know that the city does experience rainfall even in its driest month. #travel #climate

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