Storie appena create presents - Munich


Munich is the capital city of Bavaria, Germany. With a population of about 1.3 million, Munich is the third-largest city in Germany. Munich is an important centre of higher education, banking and the film and media industry. It is also the home of world-famous beers and Germany’s biggest football club, Bayern Munich. You can take a one-hour tour of the stadium including their museum and Hall of Fame. Every year Munich plays host to more than 3 million tourists from all over the world. #marienplatz #summer #history #munich  
1 continuazioni presents - Singapore


The Republic of Singapore is a city-state in Southeast Asia, situated on the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, south of the Malaysian state of Johor and north of the Indonesian Riau Islands. The name Singapore was derived from the Malay word singa (lion). Singapore was originally a small Malay settlement until 1819, when the British started a trading post that developed into an important commercial and military imperial base. #singapore #asia #malaysian #lion #settlement presents - London


The main geographical feature of London is the River Thames. The central area and the most important sights, theatres and restaurants are on the north bank of the river. The trendy and tourist-ridden West includes Soho, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, Leicester Square and Regent St. The East End lies east of the Circle Line; it used to be the exclusive preserve of the Cockney but is now a cultural melting pot. Accommodation in London is expensive and in short supply in July and August. #river #thames #London #uk #north #west presents - South Africa

South Africa

South Africa is a truly exciting place to visit and Cape Town is one of the most desirable destinations in the world. The Cape’s lush vineyards and rocky coast, the arid Karoo landscape, the fertile farmlands of Gauteng and Mpumalanga, the picturesque, snowy peaks of the Drakenberg mountains and the green hills and spacious beaches of KwaZulu-Natal are just a few of South Africa’s natural attractions. #travel #africa #attractions presents -  Besuchen Sie Kapstadt

Besuchen Sie Kapstadt

Es gibt viele Gründe, Kapstadt, die schöne und pulsierende Hafenstadt im südlichen Afrika, zu besuchen, und ich werde Ihnen genau zeigen, warum das so ist, mit einer Auflistung einiger der schönsten Orte in und um die geschäftige Metropole. #southafrica #capetown #beach #ocean presents - Singapore


Singapore is one of a kind country. Apart from being a country, it is also an island and a city. The whole of Singapore is one big Island with over mostly uninhabited 62 islets. Singapore is a perfect blend between the natural trail and modernity, ancient and contemporary, the west and east, water and land, and other contrasts. The island city-state has a lot of diversity of attractions, which makes Singapore one of the top tourist destinations for all kinds and ages of people. Here are some captivating places to include in your travel itinerary to enjoy the wonder of Singapore. #travel presents - Лондон


Основной географической особенностью Лондона является река Темза. Центральная площадь и самые важные достопримечательности, театры и рестораны находятся на северном берегу реки. Модный и турист-ездил Уэст включает Сохо, Трафальгарскую площадь, цирк Пикадилли, площадь Лестера и Регент Св. Восточный конец лежит на восток линии круга; Раньше он был эксклюзивным сохранением кокни, но теперь является культурным плавильным горшком. Размещение в Лондоне дорого и в нескольких минутах езды в июле и августе. #river #thames #London #uk #north #west presents - Five Alternative Things To Do In Sydney

Five Alternative Things To Do In Sydney

Probably every visitor coming to Sydney takes a tour of that famous building, but if you are amongst those who are trying to find places that offer a different experience and are not necessarily in everyone’s travel itinerary, here are five things you might want to do in Sydney, the most populous city in Australia. #australia #visitor #Sydney #city #tour presents - 5 Top Tourist Attractions in Denmark

5 Top Tourist Attractions in Denmark

The kingdom of Denmark is a Scandinavian country containing a number of islands and peninsulas. This country is located in the northwest of Europe and is famous for wonderful landscapes, islands, sea views, museums, culture, and many other things. In the recent past, the amazing culture and beauty of Denmark have attracted millions of tourists towards it. People from across the world travel to Denmark and thus recommend it as one of the best places to visit. Here we’ll discuss the top 5 best tourist attractions in Denmark. #denmark #scandinavian #europe #landscapes #sea #beauty #tourist presents - Verona


Even though taking a gondola ride through the channels of Venice might be something most people picture when you mention ‘Italy’ and ‘romance’ in the same context, Verona is a true yet often underrated city of love in this part of Italy. Well-known for Shakespeare’s tragedy as well as all dramatic family feuds and the forbidden love between Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet, this specific city truly brings amazing stories both in historical and simply fictive storytelling. Let’s check them out! #verona #travel #italy #romantic #history  
1 storie precedenti presents - Fünf alternative Dinge, die man in Sydney tun kann

Fünf alternative Dinge, die man in Sydney tun kann

Wahrscheinlich macht jeder Besucher, der nach Sydney kommt, eine Tour durch das berühmte Gebäude, aber wenn Sie zu denjenigen gehören, die versuchen, Orte zu finden, die eine andere Erfahrung bieten und nicht unbedingt in jedermanns Reiseroute sind, sind hier fünf Dinge, die Sie in Sydney, der bevölkerungsreichsten Stadt Australiens, tun sollten. #australia #visitor #Sydney #city #tour 
1 storie precedenti presents - Верона


Незважаючи на те, що прогулянка на гондолі каналами Венеції може бути чимось, що більшість людей уявляють, коли ви згадуєте «Італія» та «романтика» в одному контексті, Верона - справжнє, але часто недооцінене місто любові в цій частині Італії. Добре відоме трагедією Шекспіра, а також усіма драматичними сімейними чварами та забороненою любов’ю між Ромео Монтегю та Джульєттою Капуле, це конкретне місто справді приносить дивовижні історії як в історичному, так і просто вигаданому сюжеті. Давайте перевіримо їх! #verona #travel #italy #romantic #history presents
Репортаж из города Бендеры - празднование дня рождения Александра Невского 
Сбор урожая

Сбор урожая

Сбор урожая винограда на частной винодельне. #jannagolovacheva @jannagolovacheva  
1 continuazioni presents - Дожди пришли

Дожди пришли