
Технический музей в Шпайере

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Технический музей в Шпайере
Технический музей в Шпайере

Технический музей в Шпайере

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  • Aviation


    In 1899 the Wright brothers constructed and launched a series of gliders to test the manoeuvrability of a manned aircraft. Then on December 17, 1903, powered flight was first achieved when over the course of the day both Orville and Wilbur piloted successful flights, the longest lasting 59 seconds and covering over 850 feet. Around the same time the Frenchman, Louis Bleriot, was experimenting with powered flight and in 1909 he won a £1,000 prize offered by a newspaper for the first powered aircraft to make a crossing from France to England. #aviation #aircraft #fly

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    Flugschule Finthen

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