
Go Iceland 😃✌️

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Go Iceland 😃✌️
Go Iceland 😃✌️
  • Eurovision Song Contest Iceland 2021

    Eurovision Song Contest Iceland 2021

    Daði og Gagnamagnið is an Icelandic synthpop band led by Daði Freyr Pétursson. Gagnamagnið is the Icelandic term for "amount of data". The band usually performs in green clothing printed with portraits of themselves in pixel art look. In 2017, the band participated in the semi-finals of the music competition Söngvakeppnin 2017, the Icelandic preliminary to the Eurovision Song Contest 2017, with the song Hvað með það? and qualified for the Söngvakeppnin final. They ended up on the 2nd place. #eurovision #song #contest #2021 #dadi #og #gagnamagnid #iceland

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