Recently created stories presents - Salzburg


From the 8th century, barges carrying salt on the River Salzach had to pay a toll, and in 1077 the authorities built a “salt castle” (or “salz burg” in German) to control the river trade. Formerly part of the Roman Empire as the city of “Juvavum”, Salzburg prospered in the medieval period and many Romanesque and Gothic churches and monasteries were built, along with Hohensalzburg Castle, situated, as its name suggests, on top of the Festungberg, the highest point within the city. #travel #austria #salzburg #history #europe presents - Salat aus Blumenkohl und Radieschen

Salat aus Blumenkohl und Radieschen

Zutaten: - Blumenkohl - Radieschen - Frühlingszwiebeln - Dill - Mayonnaise - Salz und Pfeffer Blumenkohl, Radieschen, Frühlingszwiebeln und Dill zerkleinern und in eine Schüssel geben. Mayonnaise, Salz und Pfeffer hinzufügen und alles miteinander vermischen. #Blumenkohl #Rezept