
High School Graduation Denmark

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High School Graduation Denmark
High School Graduation Denmark

High School Graduation Denmark

In the evening on the last day of the school, an open-air bus with no real seats will pick up all the children invited to the party from door to door. Each stop along the way includes a 30 minute party for the student’s family and friends, and then all graduates go to the next pick-up location. At midnight, after the last big party with fireworks and drinking and beer with relatives, the bus will return to the same route and send all the children back to their homes. The bus itself will be equipped with huge speakers, kegs, beer crates, and decorated with banners and ribbons. #bus #school

Teile deine Gedanken

Teile deine Gedanken

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Student Cap- Denmark
Student Cap- Denmark

Student Cap- Denmark

In Denmark, the student caps (studenterhue) are the last remains of the old school uniform of the University of Copenhagen[citation needed]. They came in two colours: black for the winter uniform and white for the summer uniform. The caps are worn by students who have completed an upper secondary level education. The student cap is made of linen with a black brim and is supplied with a band and a red and white cockade with a badge. The band color and badge varies after which exam it represents. #denmark #tradition #school #graduation

Dieser Text basiert auf dem Artikel Student cap aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der Lizenz Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported (Kurzfassung). In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar.
Teile deine Gedanken

Teile deine Gedanken

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There is a long list of traditions with the Danish student cap. They have, of course, been changed and will vary from place to place. Here are a few: It is bad luck to try on a student's cap before completion of the last exam. This can be counteracted by jumping over the cap backwards 3 times. It is tradition to write the grade given in the last exam in the middle of lining of the student's cap. Classmates and friends write in the lining. The student with the biggest and/or the smallest head has to give beer to the whole class. #graduation #denmark #student #cap #traditions #school

Dieser Text basiert auf dem Artikel Student cap aus der freien Enzyklopädie Wikipedia und steht unter der Lizenz Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 3.0 Unported (Kurzfassung). In der Wikipedia ist eine Liste der Autoren verfügbar.
Teile deine Gedanken

Teile deine Gedanken

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