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seven.pics presents - Eurovision Song Contest Iceland 2021

Eurovision Song Contest Iceland 2021

Daði og Gagnamagnið is an Icelandic synthpop band led by Daði Freyr Pétursson. Gagnamagnið is the Icelandic term for "amount of data". The band usually performs in green clothing printed with portraits of themselves in pixel art look. In 2017, the band participated in the semi-finals of the music competition Söngvakeppnin 2017, the Icelandic preliminary to the Eurovision Song Contest 2017, with the song Hvað með það? and qualified for the Söngvakeppnin final. They ended up on the 2nd place. #eurovision #song #contest #2021 #dadi #og #gagnamagnid #iceland 
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seven.pics presents - Eurovision Song Contest Island 2021

Eurovision Song Contest Island 2021

Daði og Gagnamagnið ist eine isländische Synthiepop-Band unter der Leitung von Daði Freyr Pétursson. Gagnamagnið ist der isländische Begriff für „Datenmenge“. Die Band tritt üblicherweise in grüner Kleidung auf, die mit Portraits von sich in Pixel-Art Optik bedruckt ist. Die Band nahm 2017 mit dem Lied Hvað með það? am Halbfinale des Musikwettbewerbs Söngvakeppnin 2017, dem isländischen Vorentscheid zum Eurovision Song Contest 2017, teil und qualifizierte sich für das Söngvakeppnin-Finale. Sie landeten auf dem 2. Platz. #eurovision #song #contest #2021 #dadi #og #gagnamagnid #iceland 
3 vorherige Stories
seven.pics presents - Fireworks


It is generally recognized that fireworks originated in China during the Sung dynasty (960-1279). A cook in ancient China discovered that a mixture of sulphur, saltpetre, and charcoal was highly flammable and would explode if confined in a small space. This discovery was first used for entertainment. #firework #china  
seven.pics presents - Феєрверки


Загальновизнано, що феєрверки виникли в Китаї за династії Сун (960-1279). Кухар у стародавньому Китаї виявив, що суміш сірки, селітри та деревного вугілля є легкозаймистою і вибухне, якщо буде обмежена в невеликому просторі. Це відкриття вперше було використано для розваг. #firework #china  
seven.pics presents - Spanien bei der Eurovision 2021

Spanien bei der Eurovision 2021

Blas Cantó ist ein beliebter spanischer Sänger, der bereits 2011 mit der Band Auryn an der nationalen Auswahl für den Eurovision Song Contest teilgenommen hat. Doch dann belegte die Gruppe den 2. Platz und schaffte es nicht, Vertreter zu werden. Blas wurde in Spanien nach seiner Teilnahme am EuroJunior, der spanischen Auswahl für den Junior Eurovision Song Contest im Jahr 2004, bekannt. #eurovision #results #spain #2020 #rtve #show #songcontest #singer #song #rotterdam #netherlands #bals #canto  
seven.pics presents - Eurovision Song Contest Spain 2021

Eurovision Song Contest Spain 2021

Blas Cantó is a popular Spanish singer who already participated in the national selection for the Eurovision Song Contest in 2011 with the band Auryn. But then the group finished in 2nd place and did not manage to become representatives. Blas became known in Spain after his participation in EuroJunior, the Spanish selection for the Junior Eurovision Song Contest in 2004. #eurovision #results #spain #2020 #rtve #show #songcontest #singer #song #rotterdam #netherlands #bals #canto  
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seven.pics presents - Испания на Евровидение 2020-2021

Испания на Евровидение 2020-2021

За 2 недели после подтверждения об участие Испании на конкурсе был обьявлен Blas Cantó своим представителем в Роттердаме. #eurovision #results #spain #2020 #rtve #show #songcontest #singer #song #rotterdam #netherlands #bals #canto  
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seven.pics presents - Лас Вегас

Лас Вегас

Круглосуточный город в пустыне на юге Невады, «Лас-Вегас» (по-испански «луга»), является одним из самых быстрорастущих городов США. «Мировая столица развлечений», известная своими экстравагантными отелями и казино, принимает 30 миллионов гостей в год. Нравится вам это или нет, но Лас-Вегас - один из самых динамично развивающихся городов мира. #travel #lasvegas #desert #usa #entertainment  
seven.pics presents - Seoul


Seoul is South Korea’s capital and also its largest city.It is relatively small, with an area of about 600 square kilometres, but having a population of over 10 million makes it is one of the world’s most densely populated cities.It is densely populated not only in terms of people but also in terms of vehicles–about three million of them regularly cause widespread traffic jams. The Seoul National Capital Area–Seoul’s commuter belt–has a populace of over 20 million. Around one-quarter of South Korea’s entire population lives in and around Seoul, which is located in the northwest of the country