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Eurovision Song Contest Switzerland 2021

Gjon's Tears, real name Gjon Muharremaj (born June 29, 1998 in the Gruyère district, canton of Fribourg, Switzerland), is a Swiss singer of Albanian-Kosovar descent from Broc. Gjon Muharremaj grew up in Switzerland, but his parents are from Albania and Kosovo. These influences are also very important to him, according to a statement. His stage name, Gjon's Tears, is based on a childhood experience: as a nine-year-old, he moved his grandfather to tears with a rendition of Elvis Presley's Can't Help Falling in Love. #eurovision #song #contest #2021 #gjons #tears #muharremaj

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seven.pics presents - Eurovision Song Contest 2021

Eurovision Song Contest 2021

The 65th Eurovision Song Contest is scheduled to take place at the Ahoy Arena in the Dutch city of Rotterdam between May 18 and 22, 2021. After the Netherlands won the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest and the 2020 event in Rotterdam was cancelled due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the Eurovision Song Contest is now scheduled to take place there in 2021. It will be the fifth time that the Netherlands will host the event. #eurovision #song #contest #2021 #esc #ahoy #arena #rotterdam #netherlands 
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18 продовження
seven.pics presents - Eurovision Song Contest 2021

Eurovision Song Contest 2021

The 65th Eurovision Song Contest is scheduled to take place at the Ahoy Arena in the Dutch city of Rotterdam between May 18 and 22, 2021. After the Netherlands won the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest and the 2020 event in Rotterdam was cancelled due to the COVID 19 pandemic, the Eurovision Song Contest is now scheduled to take place there in 2021. It will be the fifth time that the Netherlands will host the event. #eurovision #song #contest #2021 #esc #ahoy #arena #rotterdam #netherlands 
8 продовження

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