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Paris in der Nacht

7 Сторінок
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Dimitri Wolinski Dimitri Wolinski
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seven.pics presents - Paris


Paris is more than 2,000 years old. Gauls settled there between 250 and 200 BC and founded a fishing village on an island in the river that is the presentday Ile de la Cité, the center around which Paris developed. Paris is located in northern central France. The area north of the river Seine, the Rive Droite (Right Bank), includes the tree-lined Avenue des Champs-Élysées, running west to the Arc de Triomphe. #paris #france #seine #avenue #des #champs-elysees #arc #de #triomphe #eiffel #tower #notre #dame #musee #du #louvre #centre #georges #pompidou #disneyland #versailles 
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