
Madagascar- 5 exciting things to explore in the Island country


Madagascar- 5 exciting things to explore in the Island country
Madagascar- 5 exciting things to explore in the Island country

Madagascar- 5 exciting things to explore in the Island country

The Republic of Madagascar is an island country located in the Indian Ocean at about 400 kilometers away from the coast of East Africa. The country is the second-largest island country in the world, covering an area of approximately 592,800 square kilometers. Madagascar has a lot of natural wonders that visitors can explore and do. The Island country is one of the best places to have a world-class tourist experience due to the different conditions of the land. Here are the places you should visit in Madagascar to have a swell time on your visits for vacations or any other holidays. #madagascar

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Explore the waters with whale sharks
Explore the waters with whale sharks

Explore the waters with whale sharks

Whale sharks are the world’s largest fish, and they are easy to come by in the northwestern island of Nosy Be in Madagascar. If you visit the island country between September to December, you are sure of seeing some of these water creatures feeding on planktons under the water surface. Though whale sharks are enormous, they aren’t threatening to humans. The Baleines Rand’eau organize snorkeling trips for whale sharks during that season of the year. Moreover, when you explore Madagascar’s waters, endeavor to look out for other marine life, including the manta rays, turtles, and dolphins. #shark

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Search for Lemurs on the Island
Search for Lemurs on the Island

Search for Lemurs on the Island

Lemurs are one of the iconic creatures peculiar to Madagascar. The beautiful animals are weird, with more than 100 species and subspecies on the island. Most of the species of Lemurs are native with varying sizes. To find lemurs on the island country, you have to visit one of the numerous national parks scattered across the country. Different national parks have peculiar species of lemurs in the park. For instance, the Andasibe-Mantadia National Park has the largest indri population of lemurs, while the Ranomafana National Park houses about 12 species of lemurs. #lemur #madagascar #island

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Walk in the baobab trees
Walk in the baobab trees

Walk in the baobab trees

Baobab trees are important trees to the native people of the island. In the olden days, the baobab trees and their products serve as the primary means of livelihood for the people. More so, the trees are often referred to as the “Tree of Life.” There are different tales around the baobab trees. Even today, the trees serve many purposes, including baobab-worshipping, which is peculiar to the Avenue of the Baobabs, a location in the Menabe region. About six endemic species of the baobab trees on the islands and the trees are gigantic. #baobabtrees #madagascar #livelihood #treeoflife #morondava

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Enjoy modern life in Antananarivo
Enjoy modern life in Antananarivo

Enjoy modern life in Antananarivo

Antananarivo was established in the 17th century by the King of the Merina people and remains the capital of Madagascar until today. For visitors who desire to learn Madagascar’s history and how the island was colonized by the French colonial masters in the 19th and 20th centuries, the capital is the right place to visit. There are several stories about the city you would learn of when you visit. Moreover, you would get to see the famous Analakely Market as you explore the city, experiencing the ancient colonial architecture and cultural galleries and museums of the city. #antanarivo #modern

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Enroll for scuba diving
Enroll for scuba diving

Enroll for scuba diving

If you have always looked forward to a time to scuba dive, your visit to Madagascar will grant you the opportunity. You can quickly sign up for scuba diving at the island country and take a shot at the several scuba diving opportunities that will come your way. As a visitor interested in scuba diving on the island, navigate yourself to the island of Nosy Be for the best scuba diving experience on the island country. #scubadiving #madagascar #nosybe #island #travel #summer #sea #sealife

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