• Jun 11, 2021 - Jul 11, 2021

Are you also watching the EM2020?

Created: Jun 22, 2021

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The time has come, the EM2020 is picking up speed. In many places, we can finally cheer on our teams together with other people. This great atmosphere, the suffering but also the tension and joy. Let's all be honest, we have missed that a lot! How do you cheer for your team? Are you the lucky one, who is able to cheer in the stadium? Or do you watch at home with your own friends? No matter, share your story and your emotions with everyone who also loves soccer like you. We wish your team a lot of success! :) #EM #2020 #Euro2020 #Soccer #Team #Flashmob

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seven.pics presents - How do you watching the EM2020?

How do you watching the EM2020?

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