Nieuw gemaakte verhalen presents - Отбор представителя Израиля на Евровидение 2016

Отбор представителя Израиля на Евровидение 2016

В 2016 году отбором на конкурс стал конкурс «Rising Star Eurovision 2016». И уже 3 марта состоялся финал отбора, где победители стал певец Hovi Star с песней «Made of Stars». #eurovision #hovistars #2016 #show #songcontest #israel #popular #singer #song #winner #madeofstars #iba  
2 eerdere verhalen presents - Top 5 Places to Visit in Tanzania

Top 5 Places to Visit in Tanzania

The country is dominated by the savannah, with an arid steppe region combined with temperate grasslands in the middle. Because of this mixture, the wildlife is outright amazing. Tanzania garners some of the biggest biodiversity when it comes to large animals and mammals in the entire world. Those who want to go on a safari and like seeing very wild and dangerous animals in their natural surroundings can’t miss Tanzania and the wildlife preserves it has to offer. By moving from one side of the country to another, it would seem that you are on a different planet. #tanzania #safari #savannah