Storie appena create presents - Poland tourist attractions: what to see in Poland

Poland tourist attractions: what to see in Poland

Poland is a country with grandiosen often still original landscapes, a rich culture, and an eventful history, which demonstrates an irrepressible desire for freedom and assertiveness, which was condensed to the slogan “never damy she/we let us not get down”. This aspect of Poland is also honoured by UNESCO with its World Heritage Programme, in which the Warsaw Old Town, rebuilt after the war with infinite effort, is included in the World Heritage List. #poland #unesco #landscapes #culture #histpry #freedom 
1 continuazioni presents - Important things to know before planning a trip to Poland

Important things to know before planning a trip to Poland

Poland is fast becoming one of the top European tourist destinations. The big country is experiencing a constant increase in the number of visitors for its history, culture and captivating natural landmarks. Though not many people’s apparent choice of a vacation destination and some still don’t know the fascination that Poland packs, probably due to inadequate publicity and some unpalatable history. Before you plan a trip to Poland, there are some essential details you should know about the country. #poland #tourist #destination #history #landmarks 
1 storie precedenti presents - Eurovision Song Contest Poland 2021

Eurovision Song Contest Poland 2021

Rafał Brzozowski (born June 8, 1981 in Warsaw) is a Polish singer, television presenter and former wrestler. He will represent Poland at the ESC 2021. He started learning piano and guitar at the age of 10. In 2006, he won the bronze medal in the Polish University Wrestling Championships, but had to end his sports career due to a spinal injury. Brzozowski began his music career in 2002 when he participated in the television show Szansa na sukces. #eurovision #song #contest #rafal #brzozowski #2021 #poland #music #sports 
2 storie precedenti presents - Eurovision Song Contest Polen 2021

Eurovision Song Contest Polen 2021

Rafał Brzozowski (* 8. Juni 1981 in Warschau) ist ein polnischer Sänger, Fernsehmoderator und ehemaliger Wrestler. Er wird Polen beim ESC 2021 vertreten. Im Alter von 10 Jahren begann er Klavier und Gitarre zu lernen. 2006 gewann er die Bronzemedaille der polnischen Universitätsmeisterschaften im Wrestling, musste seine Sportkarriere jedoch aufgrund einer Wirbelsäulenverletzung beenden. Brzozowski begann seine Musikkarriere 2002 mit der Teilnahme an der Fernsehsendung Szansa na sukces. #eurovision #song #contest #rafal #brzozowski #2021 #poland #music #sports 
3 storie precedenti presents - Kreative Vase zum Selbermachen

Kreative Vase zum Selbermachen

Na, wie wäre es mal mit selber basteln? 😊 #DIY #interior #interiordesign #living #vase #design #flowers #blumen #kreativ Alles was ihr dafür benötigt ist: - Alte Glühbirnen - Faden - Blumen - Wasser presents - Christmas


Many of our Christmas traditions were celebrated centuries before Christ was born. Giving gifts, the Yule log, carol singing, church processions and the 12 days of Christmas can all be traced back to the early Mesopotamians. #xmas #tree #decoration #lights