Storie popolari presents - День города Санкт-Петербург

День города Санкт-Петербург

Санкт-Петербу́рг (с 18 августа 1914 года до 26 января 1924 года — Петрогра́д, с 26 января 1924 года до 6 сентября 1991 года — Ленингра́д, в разговорной речи — Пи́тер, сокр. — СПб) — второй по численности населения город России. Город федерального значения. Административный центр Северо-Западного федерального округа. Основан 27 мая 1703 года царём Петром I. В 1712—1918 годах — столица Российского государства. Назван в честь Святого Петра, небесного покровителя царя-основателя, но со временем стал всё больше ассоциироваться с именем самого Петра I. #Санкт-Петербург #Деньгорода 
5 continuazioni presents - Лондон


Основной географической особенностью Лондона является река Темза. Центральная площадь и самые важные достопримечательности, театры и рестораны находятся на северном берегу реки. Модный и турист-ездил Уэст включает Сохо, Трафальгарскую площадь, цирк Пикадилли, площадь Лестера и Регент Св. Восточный конец лежит на восток линии круга; Раньше он был эксклюзивным сохранением кокни, но теперь является культурным плавильным горшком. Размещение в Лондоне дорого и в нескольких минутах езды в июле и августе. #river #thames #London #uk #north #west presents - Япония


Многие туристы со всего мира посещают Японию, и более 9 миллионов посетителей ежегодно совершают поездку по Японии. Независимо от того, путешествуете ли вы в одиночку, со своей семьей, товарищами или кем-то исключительным, Япония - одно из новых направлений, которые вы можете посетить. Эта статья укажет вам на лучшие места в Японии, особенно если вы приехали сюда впервые. Из большого количества туристических направлений в Японии, вот пять лучших мест для посещения в Японии, которые вы не должны пропустить, посещая эту самурайскую нацию. #travel #japan #entertainment #tourists presents - Привабливість маленького університетського містечка Гейдельберг

Привабливість маленького університетського містечка Гейдельберг

Через тридцятилітню війну наприкінці 17 століття Гейдельберг пройшов шлях майже руйнувань, і після Другої світової війни він пройшов краще, ніж більшість німецьких міст, щоб зберегти свої давні почуття та культуру. Він виріс, щоб стати притулком для закоханих птахів, оскільки він має унікальну привабливість, яка приносить йому звання одного з найромантичніших міст Німеччини. presents - Athens


The Athens historical landmarks are really the best option to visit. To go to the city of Athens is to visit a lot of historical sites, which do not exist anywhere else in the world. Although the years go by, these sites are undoubtedly the best thing that all Greece has, visiting these “magic” places is to connect with the ancient world.  One could say that Athens is the place of the millenary culture, the place where the first thinkers of history appeared and also the first civilization. #travel #greece #history #culture#athens  
1 storie precedenti presents - Iran


Apart from the Vatican, Iran is the only theocracy in the world. Because of this political system travelers are advised to study and follow local customs as much as possible and to respect the rules set up by the local people. But, for those who are willing to do so, it is a marvelous country with a lot to offer. Together with Iraq, it holds the Persian heritage and one of the oldest cultures in the world. During the last six thousand years of recorded history, Iran has had hundreds and thousands of philosophers, inventors, builders, and artists, finally building a country. #travel #iran presents - Bangkok


Bangkok, Thailand, one of the most vibrant cities in South East Asia. A city that never sleeps and always fascinates. Hospitable people, glittering temples, colourful markets, great shopping and exotic nightlife. Bangkok is an intoxicating mixture of aromas, sights and visual delights. Bangkok’s dazzling temples are a unique part of the capital’s heart and soul. The temples (or “Wats”) are not just tourist attractions but also play an important part in Buddhist traditions. #travel #bangkok #asia #thailand presents - Berlin


No one who remembers 1989, when the Berlin Wall dividing East and West came down in not much more than a night, partly through ‘people power’, can visit Germany’s capital city without being aware of its unique history. #berlin #brandenburgertor #germany presents - 5 Best Places to Visit in Spain

5 Best Places to Visit in Spain

Spain has for a long time been a must-visit destination for most visitors from various parts of the world due to its great weather, ancient heritage, amazing culture, and other attractions. Regardless of your taste in dishes, attractions, fine art among others, this great country has almost everything for everyone. It also has a lot of airports which makes it easier to move from one part of the country to another. Although it’s much convenient to visit all the places of interest, the choice of where to go during your vacation isn’t easy. #best #places #spain #culture #travel #tourism  
2 continuazioni presents - 5 найкращих місць для відвідування в Еквадорі

5 найкращих місць для відвідування в Еквадорі

Еквадор - одна з найбільш інтригуючих держав Південної Америки. Він компенсує свої невеликі розміри асортиментом корінних племен, колоніальною архітектурою, прекрасними пейзажами та густими тропічними лісами. Межами є Колумбія та Тихий океан - він не більший за більшість штатів США. Ця чудова нація приваблює туристів, туристичних мандрівників, любителів природи до своїх зелених, екологічно значущих лісів, спостерігачів за дикою природою до її знакових Галапагоських островів, а шукачів сонця до своїх піщаних тропічних пляжів. Ось декілька порад: #ecuador #southamerica #tips #ocean #beach 
1 continuazioni presents - Shanghai


Shanghai is the largest city in China and welcomes around 300 million tourists every year making it one of the most visited cities in the world. It is famous for its modernity, its historical places, delicious food and the perfect contrast between culture and technology. If you are dreaming about visiting this city don’t buy the tickets before reading this Shanghai travel information to get the most out of your travel #shanghai #china #travel #city #tourists presents - Beijing or Peking

Beijing or Peking

Beijing, also known as Peking, is the capital of the People’s Republic of China and with around 20 million inhabitants, one of the world’s most populous cities. Located in northern China, the city is the country’s political, cultural and educational centre and the majority of China’s state-controlled companies are based here. It is also a major transportation hub with an international airport and an extensive rail and road network. #travel #china #beijing #peking #capital presents - Bonn


Bonn is a city in Germany. Population 2004: 315 000. In the Bundesland of North Rhine-Westphalia, located about 20 kilometres south of Cologne on the river Rhine. It was the capital of West Germany from 1949 to 1990. The history of the city dates back to Roman times. About 10 BC the Romans constructed a bridge across the Rhine close to a place called “Bonna”. After the Roman defeat in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest this small camp was enlarged to become a fort for 7000 legionnaires. #bonn #north #rhine-westphalia #cologne #river #rhine #west #germany #roman #battle #teutoburg #forest presents -  Top 5 places to visit in Ecuador

Top 5 places to visit in Ecuador

Ecuador is one of the most intriguing nations in South America. It makes up for its small size with an assortment of native tribes, colonial architecture, beautiful scenery, and thick rainforests. It has Colombia and the Pacific Ocean as its borders — it is not larger than most states in the US. This magnificent nation attracts hikers, trekkers, explorers, and nature lovers to its green, ecologically significant forests, wildlife watchers to its iconic Galápagos Islands, and sun-seekers to its sandy tropical beaches. Here are some tips: #ecuador #southamerica #tips #ocean #beach presents - Poland tourist attractions: what to see in Poland

Poland tourist attractions: what to see in Poland

Poland is a country with grandiosen often still original landscapes, a rich culture, and an eventful history, which demonstrates an irrepressible desire for freedom and assertiveness, which was condensed to the slogan “never damy she/we let us not get down”. This aspect of Poland is also honoured by UNESCO with its World Heritage Programme, in which the Warsaw Old Town, rebuilt after the war with infinite effort, is included in the World Heritage List. #poland #unesco #landscapes #culture #histpry #freedom 
1 continuazioni presents - Budapest


If you are in Budapest or are planning a trip to this breathtakingly beautiful city, it’s essential to have your list of historical landmarks you must visit in Budapest ready with you. Often seen as an architecture lover’s paradise, in actuality, the beautiful city of Budapest has something for everyone. So, here is a list of the top historical landmarks and attractions you must see in Budapest. #travel #budapest #hungary #city #attractions presents - Salzburg


From the 8th century, barges carrying salt on the River Salzach had to pay a toll, and in 1077 the authorities built a “salt castle” (or “salz burg” in German) to control the river trade. Formerly part of the Roman Empire as the city of “Juvavum”, Salzburg prospered in the medieval period and many Romanesque and Gothic churches and monasteries were built, along with Hohensalzburg Castle, situated, as its name suggests, on top of the Festungberg, the highest point within the city. #travel #austria #salzburg #history #europe 

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