Storie popolari presents - День вина и сбор урожая

День вина и сбор урожая

3 октября город Бендеры отпраздновал день Вина. Изготовление и экспорт красных и белых вин по-прежнему одно из ведущих направлений в Приднестровье. presents - Singapore


The Republic of Singapore is a city-state in Southeast Asia, situated on the southern tip of the Malay Peninsula, south of the Malaysian state of Johor and north of the Indonesian Riau Islands. The name Singapore was derived from the Malay word singa (lion). Singapore was originally a small Malay settlement until 1819, when the British started a trading post that developed into an important commercial and military imperial base. #singapore #asia #malaysian #lion #settlement  

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