Storie popolari presents - Kurzras зимняя сказка

Kurzras зимняя сказка

Не смотря на ковидные запреты, мы снова оказались в зимней сказке. Не большая Итальянская деревушка возле ледника особенно подходит для спокойного зимнего семейного отдыха. Спасибо тебе Kurzras мы вернёмся. #kurzras #maso#corto #ski #winter #лыжи #зима #италия #масокорто 
4 storie precedenti
2 continuazioni presents - City of Qom

City of Qom

Basic facts about the city of Qom don’t give out much about the true meaning of this city for the history, or the modern times of Iran. Today, Qom is the seventh largest city in Iran and it is the capital of Qom province. It lays on the banks of the Qom river, nearly one hundred and forty kilometers to the south of Teheran. Qom’s prosperity comes from being a regional center of gas and petrol products as well as from being on the route of important gas and petrol pipelines that run through him from Bandar Anzali and Teheran to the Abandan refinery in the Persian Gulf. #travel #qom #iran  

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