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seven.pics presents - Проработки знаков♐♊♏

Проработки знаков♐♊♏

Принято считать, что вылазки на природу благотворно влияют на психологическое и физическое состояние человека) Увлекшись астрологией я нашла этому объяснение совпадающее с научной точкой зрения, но при этом более мотивирующее) 
seven.pics presents
Так день народження це свято дитинства, пригадую як чекаєш на нього цілий рік, а потім коли воно настає ти опиняєшся начебто у центрі всесвіту і весь світ обгортається навколо тебе і подарунки саме головне. 😊 А от уже з віком це вже свято з тінню смутку, бо роки беруть своє. І от хочеться чогось нового і я останні років п'ять відійшла від стандартів святкування вдома, а намагаюсь кудись подорожувати, тогорічне свято було в горах. 
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seven.pics presents -  Tayrona National Park, Colombia- 5 reasons why you should visit

Tayrona National Park, Colombia- 5 reasons why you should visit

Established in 1969 at Santa Marta, Tayrona National Park is an area of about 150 square miles with a rich biodiversity of flora and fauna archaeology. The centre is a coastal region that is very popular for its palm-shaded coves, rainforest and coastal lagoons. For individuals who love to learn about relics and visit archaeological sites, Tayrona National Park is the best place in northern Colombia to achieve that. With its accessible forest trails, terraces linking to the Pueblito ruins that meet with the Caribbean coast, you have every reason to visit the National Park. #tayrona #colombia 
seven.pics presents - Chengdu


Chengdu is unique as a major Chinese settlement that has maintained its name mostly unchanged throughout the imperial, republican, and communist eras, which actually means that it kept the name from 5th century BC until modern times. According to sources, Chengdu was established as a city during the Waring States Period, by the ninth king of Shu’s Kaiming dynasty. #travel #chengdu #china #history #republica 
seven.pics presents - 5 Things to Do in Netherlands

5 Things to Do in Netherlands

Netherlands is known all over the world for its canals and windmills. Aside from that, there are a lot of villages that tourists should not miss. In fact, it is possible to rent a bike here so you can explore the city. Yes, one week certainly is not enough for a visit to the Netherlands. Here are 5 things to do while you are here: #netherlands #canals #windmills #villages #bike  
5 continuations
seven.pics presents - Visit Phuket island and come back home with some great photos!

Visit Phuket island and come back home with some great photos!

Sandy beaches, fantastic landscapes and great Thai food give you plenty of reasons to visit Phuket, the largest and best-known island of Thailand. It has a land area of approximately 540 square kilometers (roughly the size of Singapore.) A quarter of a million people live there, most of them being either Thai or Chinese. Situated off the west coast of Thailand in the Andaman Sea temperatures vary from between 21 degrees and 34 degrees centigrade. Due to its geographical location, the months of November till April are traditionall. #travel #phuket #island #thailand #beach 

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