Beliebte Stories presents - Вот так, оказывается, надо носить кофточку !

Вот так, оказывается, надо носить кофточку !

Кушаем яблоко. Кстати, любимый фрукт. presents - Exciting adventures in La Antigua beyond the beautiful beaches and resorts

Exciting adventures in La Antigua beyond the beautiful beaches and resorts

Get ready to be seduced by the beguiling beauty of the former capital of Guatemala, La Antigua or simply Antigua. As a colonial of the then Spanish empire in the 16th century, the colonial-style Spanish architecture is evident all over the city. The looming volcanic hills also make quite fascinating impressions on tourists. It recovered from the devastation of a series of earthquakes in 1773, leading to migration and its eventual dethronement as the capital city. #adventures #antigua #guatemala #volcano #architecture presents - Так выглядит обида!

Так выглядит обида!

Когда хозяйка работает дома и не играет со мной! :( #homeoffice 

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