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seven.pics presents - Ізраїль


Держава Ізраїль - це парламентська демократія, розташована в Південно-Західній Азії, на східному краю Середземного моря. Утворений в 1948 р. Поділом Палестини, Ізраїль був вторгнутий на наступний день після його створення арабськими арміями; відтоді вона вела кілька війн із сусідніми арабськими державами. #israel #asia #travel #state #food #history #religion 
seven.pics presents - Israel


The State of Israel is a parliamentary democracy, located in Southwest Asia, on the eastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea. Formed in 1948 by the partition of Palestine, Israel was invaded the day after its establishment by Arab armies; since then it has fought several wars with neighbouring Arab states. #israel #asia #travel #state #food #history #religion 
seven.pics presents - New Delhi

New Delhi

One of the significant explanations behind sightseers in India is a direct result of the colossal number of places to visit New Delhi. Delhi bears declaration as it had seen the ascent and fall of a few Empires before the chivalrous residents battled it to consider this nation their own. The remainder past and their system are covered as a few verifiable landmarks and structures, making a review of their way of life, religion, and lifestyle. Some of the chronicled landmarks in Delhi are as follows: #travel #india #newdelhi #asia #history