В зоопарке разводят редких животных, таких как лошадь Пржевальского, гигантская черепаха, исчезающие виды ящериц, гавиалов, представителей семейства кошачьих, антилоп и т. д. В зоопарке насчитывается 169 видов млекопитающих, 270 видов птиц, 120 видов пресмыкающихся, 10 видов амфибии, 60 видов рыб, 1 вид хрящевой рыбы, 31 видов беспозвоночных. Среди них 144[1] видов занесены в Красную книгу МСОП, а 14 являются исчезающими.
#Прага #Чехия
Canada is the world’s second largest country after Russia. It is simply enormous, measuring almost 4 million square miles, or nearly 10 million square kilometres in area and has more lakes and inland waters than any other country. Some of the lakes are so huge that you can stand on the shore and imagine you are standing at the edge of an ocean. The provinces are so vast that it can take over 24 hours to drive from one border to the next. And all this space is home to around 32 million people, little more than half the population of the United Kingdom.
#travel #canada #information #area
The country is dominated by the savannah, with an arid steppe region combined with temperate grasslands in the middle. Because of this mixture, the wildlife is outright amazing. Tanzania garners some of the biggest biodiversity when it comes to large animals and mammals in the entire world. Those who want to go on a safari and like seeing very wild and dangerous animals in their natural surroundings can’t miss Tanzania and the wildlife preserves it has to offer. By moving from one side of the country to another, it would seem that you are on a different planet.
#tanzania #safari #savannah
This list of essential places to visit in Greece is not something that you should just check out, but the places, if you are visiting that part of the Mediterranean country that you should not miss. Even if they are a bit out of your way, paying extra to see them will pay out even more in experience. There aren’t that many countries that have such a mixture of natural beauty and human history as Greece. A traveler could spend years traveling from one historic monument to another, and from one picturesque view to the next and still find something new after that.
#greece #places #history
Канада - друга за величиною країна у світі після Росії. Він просто величезний, площею майже 4 мільйони квадратних миль або майже 10 мільйонів квадратних кілометрів і має більше озер та внутрішніх вод, ніж будь-яка інша країна. Деякі озера настільки величезні, що ви можете стояти на березі і уявляти, що стоїте на краю океану. Провінції настільки великі, що їхати від однієї кордону до іншої може понад 24 години. І на всьому цьому просторі мешкає близько 32 мільйонів людей, що становить трохи більше половини населення Сполученого Королівства.
#travel #canada #information #area
Located on the northeast coast of Queensland, Australia, the Whitsunday Islands are a collection of 74 top-rated tourist attractions. The islands are filled with wonders of nature from the Great Barrier Reef to the unique tropical islands. The pearly beaches that dot the islands are pleasant for vacations and different kinds of holidays. Most of the islands are empty with no inhabitants, but they are enjoyable centers to admire nature. The islands are typical of dense rainforest, hiking trails, and beautiful white sand beaches, suitable for tourism. Here are some things you can start with: