Storie appena create presents - Türkei


Die Türkei ist ein eurasisches Land, das sich über die anatolische Halbinsel in Südwestasien und die Balkanregion in Südosteuropa erstreckt. Das Klima der Türkei ist ein mediterranes gemäßigtes Klima, mit heißen, trockenen Sommern und milden, nassen und kalten Wintern, obwohl die Bedingungen im trockeneren Landesinneren viel rauer sein können. #turkey #eurasian #balkanregion #climate #mediterranean presents - Авіація


У 1899 році брати Райт сконструювали та випустили серію планерів для перевірки маневреності пілотованого літака. Потім 17 грудня 1903 року вперше було здійснено силовий політ, коли протягом дня і Орвілл, і Вілбур пілотували успішні польоти, найдовший - 59 секунд і охоплював понад 850 футів. Приблизно в той же час француз, Луї Блеріо, експериментував з польотом з електроприводом, і в 1909 році він виграв приз у 1000 фунтів стерлінгів, запропонований газетою, за перший силовий літак, який здійснив перехід з Франції до Англії. #aviation #aircraft #fly presents - Aviation


In 1899 the Wright brothers constructed and launched a series of gliders to test the manoeuvrability of a manned aircraft. Then on December 17, 1903, powered flight was first achieved when over the course of the day both Orville and Wilbur piloted successful flights, the longest lasting 59 seconds and covering over 850 feet. Around the same time the Frenchman, Louis Bleriot, was experimenting with powered flight and in 1909 he won a £1,000 prize offered by a newspaper for the first powered aircraft to make a crossing from France to England. #aviation #aircraft #fly  
1 continuazioni presents - Zurich


Zurich is one of the most influential cities in the world as it is a vital financial center in Switzerland. It has existed for more than seven centuries and is voted systematically as the city with the best quality of life on Earth. Thanks to its important status in the country and the world, Zurich has become a privileged place for vacationers. A passport is required if you plan to travel there, but thanks to the new accelerated online passports, you can obtain your passport and your trip at any time. #zurich #switzerland #financial #center #trip presents - Iran


Apart from the Vatican, Iran is the only theocracy in the world. Because of this political system travelers are advised to study and follow local customs as much as possible and to respect the rules set up by the local people. But, for those who are willing to do so, it is a marvelous country with a lot to offer. Together with Iraq, it holds the Persian heritage and one of the oldest cultures in the world. During the last six thousand years of recorded history, Iran has had hundreds and thousands of philosophers, inventors, builders, and artists, finally building a country. #travel #iran presents - 5 Things to Do in Netherlands

5 Things to Do in Netherlands

Netherlands is known all over the world for its canals and windmills. Aside from that, there are a lot of villages that tourists should not miss. In fact, it is possible to rent a bike here so you can explore the city. Yes, one week certainly is not enough for a visit to the Netherlands. Here are 5 things to do while you are here: #netherlands #canals #windmills #villages #bike  
5 continuazioni presents - Будапешт


Якщо ви перебуваєте в Будапешті або плануєте подорож до цього захоплюючого прекрасного міста, дуже важливо, щоб ваш список історичних пам’яток, які ви повинні відвідати в Будапешті, був готовий із собою. Часто розглядається як рай для любителів архітектури, насправді прекрасне місто Будапешт має щось для кожного. Отже, ось список найкращих історичних пам’яток та визначних пам’яток, які ви повинні побачити в Будапешті. #travel #budapest #hungary #city #attractions presents - Закат в Берлине

Закат в Берлине

Озеро Ванзее. Закат. Берлин 
2 storie precedenti presents - The Yellowstone national park

The Yellowstone national park

The Yellowstone national park is a center of attraction and a favorite site which get millions of visitors every year. For active individuals, it is suitable for hiking activities since the park has trails of miles which even covers back country explorations. It may be a destination for the whole family since it provides a great view of the park while driving through the grand loop road and also rest in the various roadside picnic areas. The grand loop road has the most attractions sites #travel #nationalpark #usa #area #introduction presents - Poland tourist attractions: what to see in Poland

Poland tourist attractions: what to see in Poland

Poland is a country with grandiosen often still original landscapes, a rich culture, and an eventful history, which demonstrates an irrepressible desire for freedom and assertiveness, which was condensed to the slogan “never damy she/we let us not get down”. This aspect of Poland is also honoured by UNESCO with its World Heritage Programme, in which the Warsaw Old Town, rebuilt after the war with infinite effort, is included in the World Heritage List. #poland #unesco #landscapes #culture #histpry #freedom 
1 continuazioni presents - 4 Most Beautiful Locations in Dalmatia

4 Most Beautiful Locations in Dalmatia

Croatia has been in the focus of experienced travelers for a while now. But, even if you dedicate years traveling through the country you won’t be able to see every breathtaking view it has to offer. Beautiful locations in Dalmatia, the southernmost province of Croatia, are aplenty and can offer a lifetime of memories to any visitor. #travel #croatia #province #nature 
1 storie precedenti