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    Australien, ein faszinierendes Land und Kontinent

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seven.pics presents - Евровидение 2021

Евровидение 2021

Евровидение 2021 (65-й конкур) будет проходить в Роттердаме (Нидерланды). После отмены конкурса в прошлом году из-за пандемии COVID-19 власть Роттердама принял решение проводить конкурс и в следующем году. Обьявили, что конкурс будет проводиться на стадионе Rotterdam Ahoy #eurovision #netherlands #rotterdam #songcontest #winner #covid #rotterdamahoy 
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3 continuazioni
seven.pics presents - Eurovision 2021

Eurovision 2021

Der 65. Eurovision Song Contest wird in Rotterdam, Niederlande, ausgetragen. Nach der Absage des Eurovision Song Contest 2020 aufgrund der COVID-19-Pandemie beschloss der Rotterdamer Stadtrat, zusätzliche Mittel (6,7 Millionen Euro) für die Organisation des Wettbewerbs im Jahr 2021 bereitzustellen. Es wurde angekündigt, dass der Wettbewerb in Rotterdam Ahoy stattfinden wird. #eurovision #netherlands #rotterdam #songcontest #winner #covid #rotterdamahoy 
seven.pics presents - Кто же представлял Испанию 2019 на Евровидение ?

Кто же представлял Испанию 2019 на Евровидение ?

Испанию на Евровидении в Израиле представлял победитель шоу «Operación Triunfo» — 2018 и победитель отборочного шоу «Eurovision Gala» Мики Нуньез. В Тель-Авиве он исполнял песню “La Venda”. #eurovision #results #spain #2019 #show #songcontest #singer #song #israel #telaviv #miki #lavenda #gala #operacion #triunfo 
2 storie precedenti
seven.pics presents - Where to go and what to see in South Island:

Where to go and what to see in South Island:

The South Island is the largest land mass, and is divided along its length by the Southern Alps. The dramatic and varied landscape of New Zealand has made it a popular location for the production of television programmes and films, including the Lord of the Rings trilogy. #south island #southernalps #landscape #newzealand  
seven.pics presents - Основні історичні визначні пам'ятки Афін

Основні історичні визначні пам'ятки Афін

Історичні визначні пам'ятки Афін - справді найкращий варіант для відвідування. Поїхати в місто Афіни - це відвідати безліч історичних пам’яток, яких не існує ніде в світі. Хоча роки минають, ці місця, безперечно, є найкращим, що є у всій Греції, але відвідування цих «чарівних» місць - це зв’язок із античним світом. Можна сказати, що Афіни - це місце тисячолітньої культури, місце, де з'явилися перші мислителі історії, а також перша цивілізація. #athen #greece #history #landmarks #magic 
1 storie precedenti
seven.pics presents - Лаос, Азия

Лаос, Азия

Столица Лаоса - Вьентьян с населением около 300 000 человек. Экономика Лаоса основана на экспорте риса, табака и кофе, но в последние годы страна стала популярным туристическим направлением. Здесь вы увидите многовековые монастыри и монахов в шафрановых одеждах. Жители Лаоса открыты, дружелюбны и вежливы, и гостей ждут теплый прием. В стране тропический климат, поэтому большую часть года здесь жарко и влажно. #travel #laos #vientiane 
seven.pics presents - Лас Вегас

Лас Вегас

Круглосуточный город в пустыне на юге Невады, «Лас-Вегас» (по-испански «луга»), является одним из самых быстрорастущих городов США. «Мировая столица развлечений», известная своими экстравагантными отелями и казино, принимает 30 миллионов гостей в год. Нравится вам это или нет, но Лас-Вегас - один из самых динамично развивающихся городов мира. #travel #lasvegas #desert #usa #entertainment  
seven.pics presents - Architecture


Architecture is the use of artistic talent and technical knowledge. Apart from the design of individual buildings, architecture can embrace town planning, landscaping and even furniture design. Space and volume, light and shadow, materials and texture all play their part on the creative side, while technology, construction and cost are the more down-to-earth elements. Architectural works are perceived as cultural and historic symbols providing pointers for the understanding of historical civilizations. #architect #architecture # design #building #landscaping  
seven.pics presents -  Main Athens Historical Landmarks

Main Athens Historical Landmarks

The Athens historical landmarks are really the best option to visit. To go to the city of Athens is to visit a lot of historical sites, which do not exist anywhere else in the world. Although the years go by, these sites are undoubtedly the best thing that all Greece has, visiting these “magic” places is to connect with the ancient world. One could say that Athens is the place of the millenary culture, the place where the first thinkers of history appeared and also the first civilization. #athen #greece #history #landmarks #magic 
1 storie precedenti
seven.pics presents - Las Vegas

Las Vegas

The 24 hour desert city in southern Nevada, ‘Las Vegas’, (Spanish for “the meadows”), is one of the fastest growing cities in the US. Renowned for its extravagant hotels and casinos, the “Entertainment Capital of the World” hosts 30 million guests per year. Love it or hate it, Las Vegas is one of the most dynamic cities in the world. #travel #lasvegas #desert #usa #entertainment  
seven.pics presents - Poland tourist attractions: what to see in Poland

Poland tourist attractions: what to see in Poland

Poland is a country with grandiosen often still original landscapes, a rich culture, and an eventful history, which demonstrates an irrepressible desire for freedom and assertiveness, which was condensed to the slogan “never damy she/we let us not get down”. This aspect of Poland is also honoured by UNESCO with its World Heritage Programme, in which the Warsaw Old Town, rebuilt after the war with infinite effort, is included in the World Heritage List. #poland #unesco #landscapes #culture #histpry #freedom 
1 continuazioni
seven.pics presents - The Lakhta center

The Lakhta center

The Lakhta Center is an 87-story skyscraper built on the outskirts of Saint Petersburg that can be found on recent photos of Saint Petersburg. Standing 462 meters tall, the Lakhta Center is the tallest building in Russia, the tallest building in Europe, and the 16th-tallest building in the world. The Lakhta Center is also the second-tallest structure in Russia and Europe, behind Ostankino Tower in Moscow. #lakhta #center #saint #petersburg #building  
1 storie precedenti
seven.pics presents - Der Gardasee (italienisch Lago di Garda)

Der Gardasee (italienisch Lago di Garda)

Der Gardasee, einer der oberitalienischen Seen, ist der größte See Italiens 
1 continuazioni
seven.pics presents - The Yucatan, Mexico- Best places to visit in Merida and its environs

The Yucatan, Mexico- Best places to visit in Merida and its environs

A visit to North American would be more enjoyable when you decide to have a stopover in Mexico- particularly at Merida, the capital city of the State of Yucatan. The city is rich in history and cultural heritage with a landmark of colonial edifices. There are many things visitors can do and many places they can explore in the city of Merida. However, the town’s main center is the Plaza de la Independencia, which is enclosed by the fortress-looking Merida Cathedral and the pristine limestone Iglesia de la Tercera Orden- another Cathedral. #yucatan #mexico #merida #history #landmark  
seven.pics presents - Laos, Asia

Laos, Asia

The capital of Laos is Vientiane, which has a population of around 300,000. The Laos economy has been based on its exports of rice, tobacco and coffee, but in recent years the country has been discovered as a tourist destination. Here you will experience a scene of centuries-old monasteries and monks in saffron-coloured robes. The people of Laos are open, friendly and courteous, and visitors receive a warm welcome. The country enjoys a tropical climate and thus most of the year is hot and humid. #travel #laos #vientiane 
seven.pics presents - Important things to know before planning a trip to Poland

Important things to know before planning a trip to Poland

Poland is fast becoming one of the top European tourist destinations. The big country is experiencing a constant increase in the number of visitors for its history, culture and captivating natural landmarks. Though not many people’s apparent choice of a vacation destination and some still don’t know the fascination that Poland packs, probably due to inadequate publicity and some unpalatable history. Before you plan a trip to Poland, there are some essential details you should know about the country. #poland #tourist #destination #history #landmarks 
1 storie precedenti
seven.pics presents - Lanzarote


In 1994, Lanzarote was declared a Reserve of the Biosphere by UNESCO. Lanzarote lies in the Atlantic Ocean, about 100 km from the African coast and 1,000 km from the Iberian Peninsular. It is the most easterly of the seven main Canary Islands, once known as the Fortune Islands. Lanzarote was formed by a volcanic eruption about 15 million years ago, and has mountain ranges in the north and south, and desert lava fields abound. It claims to have the longest underwater volcanic tunnel in the world at over 7km long. The last volcanic eruption was in 1824. #travel #canary #islands #lanzarote  
seven.pics presents - Eurovision Song Contest Lettland 2021

Eurovision Song Contest Lettland 2021

Samanta Tīna (eigentlich Samanta Poļakova, * 31. März 1989 in Tukums, Lettische Sozialistische Sowjetrepublik) ist eine lettische Sängerin. Sie wird Lettland beim ESC 2021 in Rotterdam vertreten. 2013 wurde bekanntgegeben, dass Samanta Tīna bei Dziesma, dem neuen Titel des lettischen Vorentscheids für den ESC. Im Finale belegte sie wiederum den zweiten Platz. 2020 gewann Tīna den lettischen Vorentscheid Supernova für den ESC 2020. Der Wettbewerb musste aufgrund der COVID-19-Pandemie abgesagt werden. Stattdessen wurde Samanta Tīna vom lettischen Sender LTV intern für den ESC. #latvia #tina 
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